Enrolment Guidelines

Enrolment Guidelines

Jervis Bay School

P-6 Enrolment Guidelines



Executive Branch Manager, Enrolments & Planning

Effective from:

30 April 2024




Enrolment Policy Team x52020

Related documents:

  1. Compulsory Education (Student   Enrolment and Attendance) Policy,
  2. Enrolment in ACT Public Schools   Preschool to Year 12 Procedures,


These Guidelines support Preschool to Year 6 enrolment decision-making at Jervis Bay School.

They operate under the Compulsory Education Student Enrolment and Attendance Policy (the Policy),  the ACT Public Schools Kindergarten to Year 12 Enrolment Procedure (the K-12 Procedure), and the ACT Public Schools Preschool Enrolment Procedures (the Preschool Procedure). These Guidelines should be read in conjunction with the Policy and Procedure documents.

Where there is a conflict between these Guidelines and the Policy and Procedure, the Policy and Procedure will prevail.

K-6 Enrolment Guidelines for Jervis Bay School

Jervis Bay School K-6 enrolment applications  will be assessed and prioritised against the following criteria:

  1. Residents of Jervis Bay Territory (not subject to capacity)
  2. Legal considerations, where a court order identifies that a student needs to attend a specific school (not subject to capacity)
  3. If there are individual circumstances, based on student wellbeing (not subject to capacity)
  4. Sibling concurrently enrolled at that school. (This includes siblings of students enrolled at Jervis Bay School who live outside the Jervis Bay Territory, step/half and cultural siblings - recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander kinship relationships).
  5. Access a curriculum choice, specifically the Country as Teacher program (subject to capacity)

Out of Area K-6 enrolment applications which do not meet any of these criteria may still be accepted if the school has capacity.

Jervis Bay School may reserve K-6 places for eligible applicants who enrol later in the year.

Should the number of K-6 applications exceed places available, applications will be prioritised by criteria and then by proximity, with applicants who live closer prioritised over those who live further away (methodology: measuring the distance from the applicant’s residential address to the school ‘as the crow flies’).

Preschool Enrolment Guideline for Jervis Bay School

Jervis Bay School preschool applications will be prioritised in order of the criteria below up to available capacity:

  1. Children living within the Jervis Bay Territory up to the limits of available places.
  2. Individual circumstances based on student wellbeing.
  3. Siblings of students concurrently enrolled in the primary school (This includes siblings of students enrolled at Jervis Bay School who live outside the Jervis Bay Territory, step/half and cultural siblings - recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander kinship relationships).

Where there is preschool capacity after accepting all applicants who meet the criteria, Jervis Bay School may consider preschool applications from NSW-based applicants under the following criteria:

  1. Access a curriculum choice, specifically the Country as Teacher program (subject to capacity)
  2. By ‘proximity’ to the preschool, that is the distance that your child lives from the preschool. The distance is measured in a straight line. (subject to capacity)

Should the number of preschool applications exceed places available, applications will be prioritised by criteria and then by proximity, with applicants who live closer prioritised over those who live further away (methodology: measuring the distance from the applicant’s residential address to the school ‘as the crow flies’).

Jervis Bay School may reserve Preschool places for eligible applicants who enrol later in the year.


A school’s capacity is impacted by physical building capacity, K-12 class size caps agreed under the Education Directorate (Teaching Staff) Enterprise Agreement 2023-2026 , and staff:student ratios mandated under the Education and Care Services National Law (ACT) Act 2011.

Contact: Lana Read

Phone: 0244421002

Email: lana.read@ed.act.edu.au